Symbol Factory(工控圖庫工具)
2.0 簡體中文破解版- 軟件大?。?span itemprop="fileSize">2.99 MB
- 更新日期:2017-04-04
- 軟件語言:簡體中文
- 軟件類別:圖像其它
- 軟件授權:免費軟件
- 軟件官網(wǎng):未知
- 適用平臺:WinXP, Win7, Win8, Win10, WinAll
- 軟件廠商:
Symbol Factory是一款專業(yè)的工控圖庫工具,它能夠為用戶提供大量好用的組態(tài)與上位機軟件圖庫資源,而且能夠直接用于用在RSview,WinCC甚至Office,autocad這些軟件上,而且能夠直接拖拉,在操作上非常的便捷,而且相比于同類的工控圖庫軟件而言,Symbol Factory 2.0具備了更加豐富的圖庫,更加簡潔的操作面板,有需要的朋友不妨下載試試吧!
工控圖庫工具Symbol Factory 2.0可以用在RSview,WinCC甚至Office,Autocad,直接拖拉,是工控人士必備的圖庫工具,2.0為較新版本。
工控圖庫工具Symbol Factory 2.0,大量圖標可以在HMI上使用,直接復制,粘貼即可。方便做圖,方便適用,簡化做圖,讓人輕松不少。
Symbol Factory是一系列產品,是HMI圖形的標準。Symbol Factory是由主要的HMI / SCADA制造商授權并自1996年以來由開發(fā)人員使用的定制應用程序,為您的應用程序提供專業(yè)的外觀和感覺,并花費您的時間構建我們的應用程序,而不是構建定制圖形。如果您的HMI / SCADA應用程序不是Symbol Factory產品的OEM許可證持有者,那么您就會錯過
符號工廠.NET - 對于VB.NET和C#開發(fā)人員使用Visual Studio.NET 2003,2005 - 100%托管代碼.NET用戶控件,提供對Symbol Factory庫的訪問以及應用閃爍,旋轉,顏色填充更改的功能,無限鬧鐘級外觀改變動畫。運行時免費分發(fā)可用于自定義應用程序。尋求將產品嵌入其軟件的HMI / SCADA制造商的有吸引力的許可安排。
Symbol Factory ActiveX - 對于在VB6或VC ++中編寫應用程序的開發(fā)人員或支持ActiveX組件的HMI應用程序,Symbol Factory ActiveX可訪問Symbol Factory庫,以及應用閃爍,旋轉,顏色填充更改以及最多5個報警頻段的功能級別外觀改變動畫。運行時免費分發(fā)可用于自定義應用程序。尋求將產品嵌入其軟件的HMI / SCADA制造商的有吸引力的許可安排。
Symbol Factory 2.0 - 我們的經典圖書館,用戶希望可以導出為矢量圖元文件,SVG或VML格式或BMP格式的對象庫。
Symbol Factory is a family of products that are the defacto standard for HMI graphics. Licensed by major HMI/SCADA manufacturers and used by developers of custom applications since 1996, Symbol Factory is THE WAY to give your application a professional look and feel and spend your time building our application, not building custom graphics. If your HMI/SCADA application is not an OEM licensee of a Symbol Factory product, you're missing out
Symbol Factory .NET - For VB.NET and C# Developers Using Visual Studio.NET 2003, 2005 - A 100% managed code .NET user control that provides access to the Symbol Factory library plus the ability to apply blink, rotation, color fill change, and unlimited alarm level appearance change animations. Runtime free distribution available for custom applications. Attractive licensing arrangements for HMI/SCADA manufacturers seeking to embed the product in their software.
Symbol Factory ActiveX - For developers writing applications in VB6 or VC++ or HMI applictions supporting ActiveX components, the Symbol Factory ActiveX provides access to the Symbol Factory library plus the ability to apply blink, rotation, color fill change, and up to 5 bands of alarm level appearance change animations. Runtime free distribution available for custom applications. Attractive licensing arrangements for HMI/SCADA manufacturers seeking to embed the product in their software.
Symbol Factory 2.0 - Our classic library for users wanting a library of objects that can be exported as Vector metafile, SVG, or VML formats or BMP formats。
Symbol Factory(工控圖庫工具) 2.0 簡體中文破解版
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